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Saving contact details

To save contact details to your device will be dependent on the device. Please see below;


For Apple devices

  1. From your Kinect Card profile click 'Save as contact'
  2. This will create a contact preview page
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Create new contact' or 'Add to exisiting contact'
  4. Finally, on the contact file click 'Done'
  5. The contact file will now be stored in your contacts app

For Android devices

  1. From your Kinect card profile clcik 'Save as contact'
  2. This will start a file download. once complete click 'Open'
  3. Then on the file, click 'Import'
  4. Select where you would like to save the contact to
  5. Then click 'OK'
  6. The contact file will now be saved in the selected location


Updated on 19 Jun 2023